Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands

  • First Stop: Return to Panama
    We are only on day one and haven’t even reached our destination country, but it feels so good to be traveling again. We’ve turned our brains on to travel mode, and we are raring to go. We are minus a family member again: Melina is having her own adventure on… Read more: First Stop: Return to Panama
  • Mindo, Ecuador
    After the oppressive humidity of Panama City, the cool fresh air of Quito was immensely refreshing. The city is at altitude (9350 feet!) and the airport is surrounded by hills and canyons dotted with cacti and high altitude shrubs. We sadly decided not to visit Quito itself due to current cartel… Read more: Mindo, Ecuador
  • The one with all the birds.
    If you aren’t into birds, you may as well stop reading now. Today was alllllll about los aves. We woke again at 4:30am and headed up into the hills, and after a short walk in the dark we arrived at a blind set up beside a light and a white… Read more: The one with all the birds.
  • Puerto Ayora
    We arrived in the Galapagos Islands yesterday, and made our way to Puerto Ayora on the island of Santa Cruz via the small island of Baltra (where the main airport is located). We will stay here for two nights before getting on our cruise. This was kind of a “filler”… Read more: Puerto Ayora
  • Galapagos Cruise: Days 1-2
    Warning: this entry is a bit whiny, but I have to get a few things off of my chest. Being on a boat with 17 strangers has reminded me of how much I dislike people. Honestly, there isn’t even anyone I particularly dislike personally on this cruise, it’s just that… Read more: Galapagos Cruise: Days 1-2
  • Galapagos cruise days 3-4
    (I’ve had to delay our final two posts because of an unfortunate incident with Zach’s phone that meant we couldn’t get pictures from his camera until we were back in the US… more on that later!) Wow. I have a lot less to whine about, and a LOT more to… Read more: Galapagos cruise days 3-4
  • Adios, Ecuador!
    We had one final excursion before heading to the airport on our last day, and this was a must-see for me: blue-footed booby nesting grounds! We got to see the goofy little guys guarding their eggs and doing their funny mating dance with those floppy blue feet. They were adorable!… Read more: Adios, Ecuador!

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