A Day in Savannah

We have two nights in Skidaway Island State Park, which is just 20 minutes outside of Savannah, Georgia. This is the first campground where we’ve stayed that is full, probably because the weather has finally turned around and it is a gorgeous weekend. Both night we enjoyed dinner around the campfire, roasting marshmallows, and gazing at the coals until Zach falls asleep and we all decide it is time to go to bed. Last night at the campfire Melina said, “this almost feels like camping!” I had to explain to her that staying in an RV is camping for most people. She is convinced that the camping we typically do is more “hard core” because it is in a tent…but honestly, with the posh site at Turtle Ridge these days I’m not sure anyone else would call it hard core!

Campfire shenanigans
Hobo packs in the fire

For our one full day here we unhooked the RV and drove it into downtown Savannah. After a sort of comedy of errors trying to find the RV spaces, we parked at the Visitor’s Center (closed due to COVID) and spent the day zig zagging from square to square throughout the historic district. What a gorgeous town! The historic district is so much larger than any city I’ve been in, and many parts reminded me so much of our beloved Boston. Only with spanish moss-covered oaks and double-decker porches, of course.

We took up the entire RV parking space…and then some.
The beautiful squares of Savannah
Our favorite house in Savannah

We stumbled on a farmer’s market in Forsyth Park and put together a picnic lunch that we ate later in one of the grassy squares. We especially loved the spiced persimmon butter, the pecan pralines, and the “sweet Georgia kisses,” tiny clementine-like fruits that were picked locally just yesterday. We couldn’t do much due to COVID, but walking and admiring the neighborhoods was really perfect. We did make a pit stop at Leopold’s for ice cream, and they even treated Zellie to her doggie ice cream. It was truly her best day ever.

Zellie enjoys her doggie ice cream
And then it was our turn!

At one point we happened across a surprise: the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile! We had to explain what it was to the girls (and sing the song, of course), and because they did not actually have hot dogs, Zellie couldn’t care less. But Zach was like a kid in a candy shop. Or, perhaps, a grown man in a weiner-shaped car?

The license plate on the Weinermobile: “OhIWish”

We got back to the campsite in the late afternoon and the girls caught up on schoolwork while Zach and I took a hike on a wetland trail in the park. It was especially nice since we had the trail mostly to ourselves…until a group of people came clomping through while talking loudly and playing music on their phone. There went my chances of seeing the clapper rail bird I was hoping to glimpse.

Catching up on schoolwork in Skidaway Island State Park

Tomorrow is the last full day of our trip. I think I’d be ready to go home if it weren’t for the fact that the rain has FINALLY let up, and we are now getting the gorgeous weather we haven’t seen since our first days in St. Augustine! I feel like I need another week just to dry out. But I guess we should get farther north before Tropical Storm Iota gets here…

Categories: RV Trip to Florida_category | 1 Comment

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One thought on “A Day in Savannah

  1. I spent a lot of time in Savannah when I was a young auditor. Beautiful and amazing food. ❤️❤️❤️

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