A little bad but mostly good

It happened again.

Zellie got bitten by another dog. I think it’s the fourth time. It got her right under the eye. Some stupid guy was walking his stupid whippet (this may be redundant). He said “he normally doesn’t like other dogs but it looks like he wants to play” and before I knew it the emaciated little bastard bit Zellie.


Note: This also tells me that Devo had it backwards. When a whippet comes along, it’s going to be a problem.

So I was pissed, but Zellie kept things in perspective. As long as she gets long walks, a nice place to rest, some sunshine, and the occasional dog treat, life is good. She hung out the rest of the day in the front yard with a bloody face, happy as can be.


The rest of our week was really quite nice.

The girls decided to paint a bunch of the seashells and rocks that had accumulated in our basement (does that happen to everyone?) Diane then distributed their artwork along one of the trails near our house, to make things a little more magical.


On another walk, the girls come across a field full of brand new dragonflies drying their wings. At first it was fun just to watch them. Then Diane figured out she could catch them. Then we figured out we could pick them up!

And by the end we figured out that they had no fear of humans whatsoever:



I was able to scratch the “fun with electronics” itch twice this week. Bonus points for not even spending money. The first time was fixing the sound in the 4Runner. Somehow the two front door speakers had gotten disconnected, which is easy to fix except you have to take apart the doors to get to them:


The second time was setting up an outdoor movie. We went super low key, and just hung a sheet on the shed. But it was still pretty awesome.

Note: we watched High School Musical 3. The girls danced, Karen drank wine, and I plotted how to make the setup cooler. Our friends the Medders hung out from a respectable distance.

More odds and ends…

We got a hammock this week. While deciding which one, I probably read a dozen Amazon reviews that said some version of “I’ve always wanted a hammock and it turns out they are really cheap and I’m an adult now”. Good point.



I had this exchange with Melina yesterday:

M: Can you help me? I’ve been trying for the last 5 minutes. I even wrote on my feet!
Z: Sure. What am I helping you with?
M: Math.
Z: I don’t think you are doing math right.


We found some strange birds on one of our walks. They were pretty big, but had weird tufts of hair all over. After a little bit of head scratching, we figured out that they were fledgling grackles.


Diane has a bed with a trundle in her room. So two beds. She has decided that she likes to pull out the trundle and sleep under her bed on the floor. She has done this every night this week.


This seems like a decent place to end for the week.




Categories: Quarantine | 1 Comment

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One thought on “A little bad but mostly good

  1. Right now, I’d like to sleep under my bed, too, if I could. Smart girl. I love you and miss you all. ❤️


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