Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to Karen, my mom, and all of the wonderful moms in our lives!

We celebrated yesterday, and took a family trip to Chiles orchard in Crozet. We usually do the “pick your own” strawberries there on Mothers Day weekend, but this year we just picked up from their “drive-thru”.

They had a good system in place, so it really didn’t seem that strange. A lot of places are like that. I took my first trip to Trader Joe’s this week and they were amazing. I queued up outside, spaced carefully apart from everyone else in line. They were only letting in a certain number of people at a time, with someone working the door to make sure. Inside everyone had masks, the cashiers had plastic shields, and there were printed footprints to tell you where to stand. Cheerful (but covid-19 related) signs were everywhere. I think if Trader Joe’s managed our national coronavirus response we’d all be much better off.

We are getting used to wearing face masks at stores. It’s funny how quickly things become normal. What will be REALLY weird is when we see people bare-faced in a store and that seems strange. Our masks so far have been basic, but one of Karen’s friends just sent us some much nicer ones that she made. She has actually made thousands so far – really an amazing thing to do for people. I’m digging mine.


This week also marked a major (well at least for us) milestone. Monday was the 20 year anniversary of our first date! We recreated our outing to Beaver Creek reservoir, with the girls and Zellie in tow. The weather was spectacular, the girls were well behaved, we even realized that we brought the same frisbee from 20 years ago! Time flies by. But we just get better looking.



A few more fun things this week…

We found a raccoon! This guy was pretty far up a tree, with angry crows flying all around. We’re pretty sure he found a nest. He looked a little guilty.


Diane wore her parrot dress and went running in the wind! (holding poop bags)


Karen made english muffins – from scratch!


Diane made an “obstacle course” for our family on the driveway using chalk!

Melina measured the PH of water samples from the lakes!


And so much more! We had a good week. Hope you all did too 🙂




Categories: Quarantine | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “Happy Mothers Day!

  1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


  2. The picture of Diane in the tunnel belongs on a magazine cover!!!! Thanks for all the entertainment. ❤️


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