Birthdays, Bullfrogs, Baking, Birds, Bummer


Our friends and neighbors the Medders celebrated their daughters 16th birthday this week. Since she obviously couldn’t get together with friends, they asked for everyone to send in birthday wishes via video. Here’s our contribution, which was super fun to make!

My little brother Nick started a weekly photo challenge for the family. Which is awesome (thanks Nick!). This week’s theme: “Spring Emerging”. I went with the bullfrog, but the bunny was a close second. I kinda like the iris pictures too.

Karen is still baking up a storm, as part of her quest to thoroughly spoil us in quarantine (she even made graham crackers). But the rest of us are getting in on the act a little too. Melina and Diane proudly made their first monkey bread, and I made my first cheesecake (using those graham crackers). On a scale of 1 to 10 it was probably only a 5, but hey – it’s still cheesecake.

Some new birds to add to our “photographed” list this week: ring necked duck (juvenile), black-capped chickadee, downy woodpecker (female). We keep getting osprey sightings too, but he’s camera shy.

We are a little bummed out about one thing this week: our Mexico vacation. It’s pretty clear that this just isn’t going to happen this year. Karen did such a good job planning this, and it’s a trip we’ve talked about for a long time. But, we are looking at a few short, domestic trips (probably just in Virginia) to scratch the travel itch as best we can.

Categories: Quarantine | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Birthdays, Bullfrogs, Baking, Birds, Bummer

  1. Love the beard, Zach! And the performance, wow, all dressed up for a great song! The Von Trapps got nothin’ on you guys. ❤️


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