Day 14: Celebrating the Bat Mitzvah

Today we celebrated the main reason that we are in California: Maddie becoming a bat mitzvah! We spent the morning at Redondo Beach swimming near sting rays and collecting clamshells, and then exploring the Redondo Pier.

Zach collecting sea shells

Zach and the girls enjoy the waves

Then we donned our Sabbath best and headed to Woodland Hills for the big event. Glenna rode with us and she got the full Zimet treatment in the middle seat of the back of the car. That consists of cuddles from the girls which quickly devolve into well-meaning pokes and grabs and prying questions and topped off with having to hold the barf bag for Diane just in case. She was a trooper, and earned the girls’ undying affection.

The bat mitzvah was a wonderful celebration of Maddie and went off without a hitch. The music was beautiful and Maddie wowed us all with her hard work, poise, and beautiful singing voice. Diane spent some time in the sound-proofed nursery, but was able to run back into the service to participate with Melina by undressing the Torah. They were honored to play a part in Maddie’s special day.

Sadly, tomorrow is our last day of vacation. But we still get to celebrate the other big reason for our trip: Grandpa John’s 80th birthday!

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